Obama: Syria is not Iraq or Iran

Obama:  Syria is not Iraq or Iran :
 “The key point that I want to emphasize to the American people: The military plan that has been developed by the joint chiefs and that I believe is appropriate is proportional. It is limited. It does not involve boots on the ground,” Obama said as he hosted top lawmakers at the White House. “This is not Iraq and this is not Afghanistan.”
Obama:  Syria is not Iraq or IranObama also pushed Congress for a “prompt vote” of support for attacking Syria and signaled he would be OK with lawmakers imposing some limits on the mission.
“So long as we are accomplishing what needs to be accomplished, which is to send a clear message to Assad degrading his capabilities to use chemical weapons, not just now but also in the future as long as the authorization allows us to do that, I’m confident that we’re going to be able to come up with something that hits that mark,” he said.


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