Internet addiction rehabilitation center opened in US

Internet addiction rehabilitation center opened in US  :- Not all psychiatrists are ready to call it an addiction, but for people who feel they can’t live offline, Pennsylvania now has help: the country’s first hospital-based rehab center for Internet addiction.
Psychologist Kimberly Young runs the new program at the Bradford Regional Medical Center, where Internet addiction is treated as a physical and mental problem and treated similarly to substance abuse addictions.
Internet addiction rehabilitation center opened in US

Young says that the patients who will be admitted for a 10-day detox truly need it, and that Internet addiction may be more pervasive than alcoholism.
“It’s like if you were to think of a heroin addict,” she told Salon. “They are gaunt and sick almost.”
Others disagree. The authority of the American Psychiatric Association, the DSM 5, doesn’t include Internet addiction as a disorder.


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