iPhone 5 images leaked

iPhone 5 images leaked

 Leaked images of the iPhone 5 are probably number one on the Web's most wanted list right now. It's been nearly a year since Apple last launched Smartphone, and over 25 months since the Californian tech giant launched a new design for its hugely popular iPhone. For all the up-to-date details on the illustrious device read our iPhone 5 release date, specs and rumor round-up.
So it's no surprise that people all over the world are a little bit excited to see what the world's most successful Smartphone will look like next.
One of the most convincing iPhone 5 image leaks was picked up by9to5Mac. 9to5Mac report that they were sent the images of the back of the iPhone 5. See also iPhone 5 faces a "battery challenge"
9to5Mac are suggesting that the iPhone 5 leaked images seem to show a slightly bigger iPhone design. This estimate would back up previous rumors that the next generation Apple Smartphone will boast a 3.99-inch screen with a resolution of 1136 x 640.
iPhone 5 images leakedThe Apple news site also later received images of what the website believe the front of the iPhone 5 will look like. The design at large doesn't look a million miles away from the current iPhone 4/4S design; however there are two major changes. First is that the iPhone 5's camera appears to have been moved to a more central location. The consensus of opinion based on these images is that the iPhone 5 will achieve the rumored 3.99-inch screen by slightly elongating the height of the screen, while keeping the width the same size as previous generations of the iPhone.
Secondly the leaked images appear to back up a previous iPhone 5 spec rumour that it will have a smaller connector/charging port.iPhone 5 will get mini dock connector. A rumour which TechCrunch initially reported on while featuring its own leaked iPhone 5 images. TechCrunch claim that the new mini connector will downsize from the current 30-pin port to a 19-pin port. The technology website suggested that Apple was reducing the size of the iPhone 5 connector to provide space for extra spec.

Apple will be keen to get the design of the iPhone 5 spot on, as the previous few months has seen Android gain considerable ground on the iPhone in the Smartphone arms race. Notable the Samsung Galaxy S3 has caught the imagination of the public, with its similar specs and notably bigger screen. Latest figures suggest that the Samsung Galaxy S3 sales have hit the 10 million mark already. Interestingly - in a poll conducted here at PC Advisor to find out what people's favorite Smartphone operating system was - Android came out nearly twice as popular as iPhone receiving 49 percent of the vote compared to Apple's 17 percent. The rest of the poll went to Windows Phone, Blackberry and other, respectively.

Recent rumors suggest that iPhone fans won't have to wait long to see the next generation Apple Smartphone, with 7 August tipped at the launch date. The date comes from a 'reliable industry source' of the Know Your Mobile website and it's been reported that the iPhone 5 will be launched during a keynote speak. Unfortunately the 'reliable source' failed to reveal any of the iPhone 5's specs. See iPhone 5 to launch on 7 August.


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